As hard as these babies are on us–constantly keeping us busy–it is wonderful to see them interacting together. Recently they have become playmates. There are moments where they scatter and seem to get into everything they are not supposed to. Last night Gwendolyn was trying to eat Watson’s Dinner, which we usually keep out of reach. We left a small window of opportunity and she took it. Of course I pulled her away and put her somewhere she could do limited harm. by the time I get back, her brother was in it. Poor Watson could not eat in piece.
Sometimes though, they take a little bit of the burden off of us by entertaining each other. The way they move, it is hard to keep up with them. Usually if I leave the room, I’m going to hear about it. Screaming at the top of their little lungs, they cry for my attention when I try to leave them alone. Lately it isn’t quite so bad.
Until now, the only interaction they ever really had was not always positive. Taking toys out of each others hands and grabbing each others faces would inevitably result in crying. One feeding time, Lawson lunged over my legs head first onto Gwendolyn’s face knocking the bottle from her mouth.
It is only lately as they have become more mobile that we have noticed a turn in their attitudes toward each other. They play quietly alone quite often, and they very frequently travel together in apparent coordination with each other. It can even be creepy when they both set their sights on you and immediately begin to crawl in your direction.
More often than not, I can see the two of them exploring and playing as a team while Sara and I are doing other things. They will even stop and play with toys together on their own without my intervening. They learn from each other two. Lawson is usually the first to do a new thing and Gwendolyn imitates it soon after. It is really neat to watch.
When I leave them to play and I hear them crying after a few minutes, it is always because they want me back. It used to be that I’d find Lawson tackling Gwendolyn or pulling her hair. Now, I’ll just find them both standing up and holding onto the gate while they call for me. It always calms them down when I’m in the play yard with them, but they quickly turn their attention back on each other and I am able to step away again.
More about Gwendolyn and Lawson:
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