My little girl Gwendolyn is growing up so fast. She has always been more tactile than Lawson. She’s been the one more inclined to grab at things, or to touch and feel different textures we present them with; But now even more so. She plays with her toys. She really plays with them. Sha also is an expert with her binky. I just hold it out for her and she grabs it. She is a pro at putting it in her mouth and taking it out when she wants. She is very good with her hands. It’s truly impressive! I love seeing the things she does. She recently discovered her feet and is having fun playing with those, too.
Lawson’s not there yet, but he’s always had different interests. I doubt he’ll ever play quite as much as Gwendolyn does with toys. On the other hand, Lawson is a more attentive listener when I read to them. He also seems to have more of a handle for sitting up and for putting weight on his feet. It’s incredible to not only get to see them both develop, but to watch there personalities really begin to form. We know that Gwendolyn is much more interested in music, for example. I’m not quite sure yet what Lawson’s thing is. Although he does seem to really enjoy watching people cook. Watching people in general seems to be of great interest to him. He’s getting big, too. They both are, but we sometimes refer to Lawson as our little three year old, because he just looks so mature.
We haven’t taken them out since we returned from vacation and I get the impression that they are feeling a little cooped up in the house. They had a period of time where they were going out and experiencing something new every day and now they don’t get to leave the living room most of the time. They have really been clinging to us for attention, too. I think it would be great to go to the zoo again with them now that they’re older, or maybe a museum. At the very least it would be amazing to go out to St. Honore for coffee and pastries one of these days, but I guess I’m saying that more for me..
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